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Cancellation Form
Allie Bjerk
Cancellation Form
What is the main reason why you're looking to leave?
Please choose one option
I can't afford this right now
I'm feeling overwhelmed with it all
I don't have enough time to set this up
It won't work for my business
I need more support
Please tell us more about why you're looking to cancel
What stage of business are you in?
Please choose one option
I'm just starting out
My business is set up and I am working on monetizing my offers
My business in making money and I am working on making it my main source of income
My business is making money and I am looking to scale
What features of Alliebjerk did you get the most value from?
Marketing Funnels
Website and Blogs
Courses and Memberships
Booking Calendar
Social Media Scheduler
Marketing Emails
Community & support from the team
How likely are you to recommend Alliebjerk to a friend?
Please choose one option
Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Somewhat Likely
Full Name
Email Used To Sign Up To Your Account
By checking this box you are confirming that you understand that once your membership is cancelled you will lose access to: all of our amazing website and funnel templates, booking calendars, social media schedulers, email marketing and automation swipe copy.
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