One of the biggest questions people ask during my webinars and in my DMs is all about how they can create their own Tiny Offer™ for their unique niche. 


I think of Tiny Offer creation as a product suite comprised of 8 different categories:

  • Hold My Hand
  • Educational
  • Inspirational
  • Time Saving
  • Accountability 
  • Social Proof 
  • Interactive
  • Organizational


When you’re creating an Offer Suite, you want to make sure every $27+$37+$77 suite has at least one of each of these segments included to make it feel like a really complete robust and tangible offer.

For example, different options for the “Time Saving” category includes: 

  • Digital Assets
  • Templates
  • Slide Decks Accountability
  • Group
  • Toolkits
  • Black Book
  • Swipe File
  • Workbooks
  • Playbooks 
  • USB Drives


What did this look like for me?


Since this type of offer system starts out with cold traffic running to a sales page, (cold traffic meaning advertisements shown to people who have NEVER heard about you before, which is against everything you’ve been told about growing your email list online – that’s okay and I’m about to tell you why), you want to make sure your offer includes pattern interrupt and something that’s going to grab their attention immediately. 


Psychologically, this product pricing is equivalent to the snacks that you always see lining the checkout aisles at the store. $27 in the online learning space is a snack – it’s in the price range of being low enough that people are willing to go get their credit cards on a whim or without needing to consult their budget or partner but it’s enough to cover the costs of your ad spend all day long. 


The funnel starts with a sales page for a $27 product with a very specific design – the order form has a TWO STEP order form, which is key and I’ll tell you why. When you use this form that’s called a two step order form, you’re gaining the contact information (name and email) EVEN IF they don’t end up putting in their billing information. That person is going on your email list even if they get distracted by their kid wanting a snack or they forget their PayPal password or whatever.


Directly below the order form, you’re going to offer a complementary product – a product that will help them get results FASTER. This product is listed for $37 and is called an Order Bump. 


After they’ve checked out, instead of bringing them to a thank you confirmation page, you’ll bring them to another sales page that offers them a NEW product, more closely related to what you know they actually need to get the full result. Instead of another product that complements the first product, this is a NEW pain point that’s being solved. 


Every business with multiple products knows there should be a “solve and agitate” cycle to keep yourself in business. When you solve one problem, you’ll agitate another – like the quote “new level, new devil” – they’re going to have new pain points at every new level, and you’re here in advance, helping them solve it. 


So, my $27 product is a 365 ideas (time savings!), my compliment to that is a $37 social media repurposing course (education), because once you’ve got the livestreams, you’ll want to repurpose them, of course. 


But what happens when you’re showing up with your daily livestreams, you’re repurposing them all over social media, and holy crap, now you have leads coming in like crazy – how do you actually sell to them? What do you say on the phone? How do you even GET them on the phone? 


My ONE TIME OFFER, which is the product you sell after they’ve checked out for the $27 and $37 product is a sales training for $77, because I KNOW that’s their next struggle. I’m like the girl who is handing them a glass of milk and a napkin after selling them a gooey chocolate chip cookie. I’m ready to help them on a deeper level because I know them well enough to know what they need before they even do. 


The sales training is a combination of Organizational, Educational, Inspirational, and Time Savings – because I give them my exact funnel and show them how to use it, along with some general sales training and a Trello board to organize their leads. Do you see how this all works?


Okay, back to you. When you’re decided how to create your own Tiny Offer, you can look at all of the steps it takes to get a client to their desired result and find the themes that can be correlated to products in order to build out a robust product suite. 


If you want more information and a detailed walk through of how I did this for myself and now how I do it for my clients can be found here:


Hope to see you there soon!

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