The realm of web-based marketing has a number of very important benefits that cannot be found in other marketing mediums. One of the most helpful of these benefits is the ability to analyze the success of a your marketing campaigns with a variety of tools available on the web, the most prevalent of which is Google Analytics. However, while Google Analytics are easy to view, many businesses struggle with taking action on the results.
For example, a business might find that a particular blog post or landing page is attracting a lot of traffic, but it can be difficult to use that information to help grow your site traffic on a broader level. So, many businesses looking to improve their online presence are raising the question: how can analytics be used to write good content for the right audience? Take a look at our tips on the three things you can learn about your website’s visitors from Google Analytics!
1. Gender & Age of Visitors
Any good marketer will tell you that one of the first steps in getting to know your audience is researching their age and gender. Google Analytics provides you with both of these statistics, which can prove very useful when trying to attract more traffic. For example, if you were writing content about planning a wedding your audience would likely (and hopefully) be from a younger demographic. Similarly, if you were writing content about men’s fashion, you would hope to see the demographics skewed towards a male audience.
2. Interests
Just gaining an idea of the demographic of your audience is often times not enough. A more crucial question to be asking is what are the interests of my audience? Google Analytics also provides this information to you. While this is very helpful in creating advertisements, it can also be used to gauge the effectiveness of the content you are writing. If you are a manufacturing company, you would like to see statistics that suggest your audience is interested in your product or services, rather than something completely unrelated.
3. Geographic Location
The final piece to the puzzle of getting to know your audience is geographic location, another statistic that is provided in Google Analytics. This insight is helpful in two primary ways. The first way this information can be helpful is in seeing if you are reaching the right geographic location for the possibility of gaining new clients. A cleaning service in Brainerd, for example, would find little value in attracting readers from Asia. The second way this information can be helpful applies primarily to businesses operating on a larger (regional, national, or world-wide) scale. The ability to see the geographic location of your audience gives you insight on the culture to which your business should be marketing. If the majority of your audience is from outside of the United States, you would not get very far by posting content that applies only to Americans.
At the end of the day, Google Analytics is a very helpful tool, and can be utilized by businesses of all types to improve their content as well as their overall web presence.